
If you can't achieve the look yourself….I've failed at my job

Spring is Here

So safe to say spring is here in Vancouver.  The crocuses have come up, the tulips are pushing through and well some the trees have had buds on them since January in my backyard.  Now in all fairness to my Ontario friends, this warmish spring weather will continue until June and Ontario will have hot weather by May.  So just a matter of perspective petals.  Also, a friend on Facebook ,who is working up in Fort Mac right now, was doing so today in -20 degrees.  Ouch.

proof that spring has arrived in Vancouver.

proof that spring has arrived in Vancouver.

For hair it’s a lot like summer hair , but the reverse.  You’ve been hibernating all winter and you’ve been happy with it,  maybe a bit longer then normal and oh so nice and warm.  However,  it could be Valentine’s Day coming up tomorrow or just the flowers and warmer weather after our cold spell, but suddenly you want to be ‘lighter, brighter’ and more ‘spring like’.  I guess 60 years ago you would have bought a spring hat?  So I’m getting  requests for the ‘lighter and brighter’ hair along with  the phone number of my skin doctor and questions about ‘just how painful are botox needles?’ (not painful at all by the way).

This is the time I usually also suggest delicately to my clients, it  would be a good time to prepare slowly but steadily for bathing suit season in July.  The longer you have, the easier it is I find.  And the fraxel laser skin resurfacing (for the face) also should be done now because after every treatment you need about 12 weeks of absolutely no UVA/UVB exposure (50 SPF sun screen required).

So again not so much turds of wisdom or drama this week petals, more just a ‘what’s going on in my life’.   Having said that, feel free to share the blog/facebook page with with friends, got to keep Teccrab, my social media guy, happy and there are almost 40 past articles to read.

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